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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Unit A-Chapter 4-Lesson 3 Notes

What Happens When an Ecosystem Changes?

Environmental Changes

  • Change is a natural part of the history of any ecosystem.
  • Changes may be long-term-for example, the result of fires, droughts, and floods- or long-term, as a result of climatic change.
  • All organisms have a certain range of tolerance for conditions such as:
      1. Environmental temperature
      2. Amount of moisture 
      3. Amount of light
  • Organisms cannot usually survive in conditions that are outside their range of tolerance.
  • In any ecosystem, populations change as conditions change.
  • New communities of organisms, which are better adapted to new conditions in that ecosystem, may replace original communities.

  • Organisms can live in an ecosystem only as long as it meets their needs for food, water, shelter, and other essentials. 
  • Organisms that live within an ecosystem often compete for similar resources.
  • This competition occurs among different kinds of organisms, as well as among members of the same species.
  • Competition helps regulate population size because as competition for resources increases, population size decreases.
  • When resources are limited, organisms that are well-adapted to the conditions in an ecosystem will be best able to compete for resources and survive.
  • Some animals solve the problem of limited resources by migrating.
  • The snowy owl, for example, inhabits the Arctic tundra, but when the population of lemming-their main food source-falls, it may migrate great distances in search for food. 
  • In the winter, snowy owls are sometimes sighted as far south as Illinois.

People Affect Ecosystems

  • Ecosystems change naturally, but human activities such as cutting down trees and draining wetlands can speed up the change.
  • People can also change the ecosystems by introducing new species that out-compete native species.
  • Conservation of resources and restoration practices can help to reduce and repair ecosystem damage.

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